"The Beautification"
Beautification by unnatural method runs rampart in our culture. From botox for teenagers to hair color for pets, we've covered it all. The unnatural beautification of our food is nothing new, from artificial coloring, frosting, and decorative surface finishes. Not only did I focus on some of our classic pretty gastronomic indulgences, I decided to up it a notch by using actual cosmetics for some extreme effects in some of the paintings in this exhibit. There is something very appetizing about nail polish. The colors are luscious, the shine sensuous. It looks divine drizzled on fruit, until the noxious fumes remind you that it can't be eaten. It just looks fabulous.
Opening reception will be Friday, Sept. 2nd from 5-8 PM, 16 Patton Gallery, 16 Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC.
Stuck in Glamour
Punctured and Polished
Twisted Jimmies